Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thank you letter from Joseph for Motorcycles

To all who contributed to the motorcycle fund, please find below the letter (which I am posting with "much delay"). They were all so touched and truly thankful about the present. Thanks!

Lomé, 07th June 2007

To the attention of all the donors for the two motors’ purchase


Object: Thank you letter

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hereby come in the name of the Board of Commission of MICROFUND, its staff, and in my own name to address you my sincere congratulations for the gift of the two motors you have offered to our institution during the mission of Dalia in our structure. We are deeply and positively grateful to you. This action shows once again the special and particular interest you have always testified to MICROFUND and more, your sensibility to the painful of our field agents in their daily movements. We are very thankful and promise to use them suitably.

May God bless and cover you with all his grace.

Hoping that many other actions will follow, we would like you please to consider our perfect congratulations and satisfactions.

Joseph Kossi AKOGO



Lomé, le 07 juin 2007

A tous les donateurs pour l’achat des deux motos


Objet : Lettre de remerciement

Chers Messieurs/Mesdames,

Je viens par la présente au nom du Conseil d’Administration de MICROFUND, de son personnel et en mon nom personnel vous adresser nos sincères remerciements pour le don des deux motos que vous avez offerts à notre institution lors de la mission de Dalia dans notre structure. Ce geste nous a profondément et positivement marqué. Ceci montre l’intérêt particulier que vous manifestez à MICROFUND et surtout votre sensibilité à la pénibilité dans le déplacement de nos agents de terrain. Nous vous restons très reconnaissants et vous promettons un bon usage. Que Dieu vous le rende au centuple.

Tout en espérant que d’autres gestes lui suivront, je vous prie de croire, Messieurs/Mesdames, en l’assurance de notre parfaite considération.

Joseph Kossi AKOGO


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it